A boiler (whether hot water or steam) can only perform its primary function of heat transfer to water and, in the case of steam generators, separating steam from water in the most efficient manner if the quality of all types of water, such as make-up water, feedwater, and boiler water, is continuously monitored.

Various impurities hinder heat transfer processes and steam formation, significantly affecting the quality and purity of the steam. Additionally, they promote corrosion and damage to the materials within the boiler. This leads to numerous chemical reactions and physical mechanisms, including the deposition of various crystalline and non-crystalline scales on the water side, sludge formation, metal corrosion, and the transfer of contaminants into the steam.

Therefore, the role of boiler water treatment is to control the chemical processes within the water of boiler systems through established parameters and specifications.

The most commonly used methods for boiler water treatment include:

  • Ion exchange softening
  • Reverse osmosis
  • Electrodeionization (EDI)

Some of our references:

Prevent Leather

Multi-media filtration, ion exchange softening, reverse osmosis by Nobilis

20 m3/dan

Prevent Fabrics

Multi-media filtration, ion exchange softening

30 m3/h

Mesna industrija Bajra

Microfiltration, softening, activated carbon filtration, reverse osmosis filtration

12 m3/h

Toplane Sarajevo

Ion exchange softening

30 m3/h

Toplane Sarajevo

Delivery of over 100 water softening units from 2012 to 2015

Toplane Banja Luka

Ion exchange softening

22 m3/h


Ion exchange softening, reverse osmosis

Opšta bolnica Sarajevo

Ion exchange softening, reverse osmosis

Fabrika duhana Sarajevo

Ion exchange softening

Tags: kotlovi, kotlovnice, tretman vode, hemijska priprema vode, voda, napojna voda, hpv, kotlovi, hpv, omekšavanje, omekšivač, AQUASOFT, reverzna osmoza, ultrafiltracija, RO, reverzibilna osmoza, povratna osmoza